Hours of operation:
Customer Service
Mon-Fri 10:00am ET - Last HT
Sat-Sun 9:00am ET - Last HT

Mon-Fri 9:00am-6:00pm eastern

Mon-Fri 12:00pm-6:00pm eastern
If you are calling for a customer service or a new account issue including deposits and payouts please utilize our ticket alert system in the next box to the right or the mobile platform. You can submit your ticket issue and a customer service representative will email or call you as soon as possible. We utilize the ticket alert system to ensure your issue is handled quickly and properly by the correct person. The phone numbers listed here are strictly for phone wagering and the agents department. We appreciate your understanding.
Ticket Alert System

Use our email alert system to contact any of our customer service people direct. You will receive an immediate response that your alert was received and also a confirmation when the job is complete. The alerts can be used by agents and customers and are received via cell by supervisors to ensure immediate action.

Click here to create a new alert.

You should be able to find answers to your questions about using our services